
Fairchildes Primary School

pop_up_book_workshop, paul_stickland, author_event

Paul Stickland Pop Up Book Workshops with the children of Fairchildes Primary School
I was lucky to share three inspiring days with the wonderful children and their great teachers in Croydon, South London.
A really outstanding and happy school led by some truly dedicated teaching and support staff.
I was invited to hold workshops with the children as part of their Pop Up Book Week by Sally Gardner, their inspired and energetic DT and Music Teacher, who had taught the children and teachers how to make every sort of pop up mechanism prior to my arrival. The result was amazing, the best primed and most capable children that I have ever worked with. It was a pure joy from start to finish. 

I gave them a very simple curved fold pop up mechanism which I have devised as an easy starting point. They then took their creations in all manner of brilliant directions and the teachers joined in and had great fun too! Adults love to join in with these workshops, they are often amazed  and surprised by their amazing creations!

The school was clearly the core of a very diverse community, with many of the teachers having attended the school and almost all of them having spent their entire working lives looking after, inspiring and empowering these lucky children.
Music, art and play seemed to be really important and the walls were covered with the most accomplished artwork.
I was constantly impressed by their academic achievments too, which seemed to sit very comforatbly with the really creative atmosphere that was so evident at their happy school.
I travel to many different schools all over the country and so I see and experince many different approaches. I rarely fail to be very impressed by the quality and dedication of the teachers and support staff. 
Musically Fairchildes was a delight. I was treated to some incredible singing and songs.
Their steel band was stunning! To see the teachers and children dancing together in the playground was joyous.
I learnt so much in the happy days that I spent here. The children were forthcoming, welcoming, articulate and had really open minds, we had such fun!
These teachers were getting something really right.
Those children are so lucky to be immersed in such a creative, caring and supportive atmosphere.
I think the photos tell the story.

Click here to see more of the amazing pop up book work of the children of Fairchildes Primary School!
You can enquire about a Pop Up Workshop for kids of any age here!

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